Alan Thicke - Thicke of the Night (1984)

Album\Single: Thicke of the Night (1984)
Song: Thicke of the Night

Oh how badly I wished this had FM in it so I could post it in the #SummerOfFM. Alas, it is just regular synth. But it is also chalk full of pre-Growing Pains Alan Thicke!

I find myself to be quite the fan of Alan Thicke, and this is just another reason to enjoy his work. Who knew he had these pipes on him?! I was prepared for this track to be silly. The name alone prepared me for that. But what Iw asn't prepared for was for it to be good. It is not just good, it's really good. This is a one off, and the other song on the single is terrible. But this track is a peach!

Alan Thicke, I still believe the best is yet to come.